NOTE: Because there are multiple dynasties and families involved, to simplify the presentation, I will only include the prince's descents down to my gateway ancestor, the Reverend Hawte Wyatt, or to where they intersect with other presented lineages. I have included my descent from him in other posts.
Descent from Llywelyn the Great, 1:
1. Llywelyn the Great, Prince of Gwynedd and Joan of England had:
2. Gwladus Ddu and Ralph de Mortimer had:
3. Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer and Maud de Braose had:
4. Edmund Mortimer, 2nd Baron Mortimer and Margaret de Fiennes had:
5. Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of March and Joan de Geneville had:
6. Maud de Mortimer and John Charlton, 2nd Baron Charlton had:
7. Joan de Cherleton and Sir John de Beauchamp had:
8. Alice Beauchamp and Sir Thomas le Boteler had:
9. Joan Boteler and Hamon Belknap had:
10. Philip Belknap and Elizabeth Woodhouse had:
11. Alice Belknap and Henry Finch had:
12. Sir William Finch and Elizabeth Cromer had:
13. Sir Thomas Finch and Katherine Moyle had:
14. Lady Jane Finch and George Wyatt had:
15. The Reverend Hawte Wyatt.
Descent from Llywelyn the Great, 2:
1. Llywelyn the Great, Prince of Gwynedd had:
2. Marared ferch Llywelyn and John de Braose, Lord of Bramber had:
3. William de Braose, 1st Baron Braose and Aline de Multon had:
4. William de Braose, 2nd Baron Braose had:
5. Aline de Braose and John de Mowbray, 2nd Baron Mowbray had:
6. John de Mowbray, 3rd Baron Mowbray and Joan Plantagenet of Lancaster had:
7. John de Mowbray, 4th Baron Mowbray and Elizabeth de Segrave had:
8. Thomas de Mowbray, 1st Duke of Norfolk and Lady Elizabeth FitzAlan had:
9. Margaret Mowbray and Sir Robert Howard had:
10. Katherine Howard and Edward Neville, 3rd Baron Bergavenny had:
11. Margaret Neville and John Brooke, 7th Lord Cobham had:
12. Thomas Brooke, 8th Lord Cobham and Dorothy Heydon had:
13. Elizabeth Brooke and Sir Thomas Wyatt the Poet had:
14. Sir Thomas Wyatt the Rebel and Jane Haute had:
15. Sir George Wyatt and Jane Finch had:
16. The Reverend Hawte Wyatt
Descent from the Lord Rhys:
1. Rhys ap Gruffydd, Prince of Deheubarth had:
2. Angharad ferch Rhys and William Fitz Martin had:
3. William Fitz Martin had:
4. Sir Nicholas Fitz Martin and Isabel had:
5. Nicholas Fitz Martin and Maud de Bryan had:
6. Sir William Martin and Eleanor Fitz Reynold had:
7. Joan Martin and Nicholas Audley, 1st Baron Audley had:
8. James Audley, 2nd Baron Audley and Joan de Mortimer (descendant of Llywelyn the Great) had:
9. Joan de Audley and Sir John Tuchet had:
10. John Tuchet and Maud de Grey had:
11. Sir John Tuchet and Elizabeth Stafford had:
12. Sir James Tuchet, 5th Lord Audley and Margaret de Ros had:
13. Elizabeth Audley and Edward Brooke, 6th Baron Cobham had:
14. John Brooke, 7th Lord Cobham and Margaret Neville had:
15. Thomas Brooke, 8th Lord Cobham (intersects with generation 12 in the prior descent).
Descent from Hywel Dda:
1. Hywel Dda, King of Deheubarth and Elen ferch Llywarch had:
2. Owain ap Hywel, King of Deheubarth had:
3. Einion ab Owain had:
4. Cadell ab Einion had:
5. Tewdwr ap Cadell had:
6. Rhys ap Tewdwr, King of Deheubarth and Gwladys ferch Rhiwallon had:
7. Gruffydd ap Rhys, King of Deheubarth and Gwenllian ferch Gruffydd had:
8. Rhys ap Gruffydd, Prince of Deheubarth ("the Lord Rhys", of the earlier lineage).
Descent from Gruffydd ap Llywelyn:
1. Gruffydd ap Llywelyn, King of Wales and Ealdgyth of Mercia had:
2. Nest ferch Gruffydd and Osbern Fitz Richard had:
3. Nest ferch Osbern and Bernard de Neufmarché had:
4. Sibyl de Neufmarché and Miles of Gloucester, 1st Earl of Hereford had:
5. Bertha of Hereford and William de Braose, 3rd Lord of Bramber had:
6. William de Braose, 4th Lord of Bramber and Maud de Saint Valéry had:
7. William de Braose and Maud de Clare had:
8. John de Braose, Lord of Bramber and Marared ferch Llywelyn had:
9. William de Braose, 1st Baron Braose (intersects with prior lineages).
Descent from the Princes of Powys Wenwynwyn:
1. Maredudd ap Bleddyn, Prince of Powys and Hunydd ferch Einudd had:
2. Gruffydd ap Maredudd had:
3. Owain Cyfeiliog, Prince of Powys Wenwynwyn had:
4. Gwenwynwyn ap Owain, Prince of Powys Wenwynwyn and Margaret Corbet had:
5. Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn, Prince of Powys Wenwynwyn and Hawise Lestrange had:
6. Owen de la Pole, 1st Lord of Powis and Joan Corbet had:
7. Hawys Gadarn and Sir John de Cherleton, 1st Lord Cherleton had:
8. John Charlton, 2nd Baron Charlton and Maud de Mortimer had:
9. Joan de Cherleton (intersects with prior lineages).
Descent from the Princes of Powys Fadog:
1. Maredudd ap Bleddyn, Prince of Powys and Hunydd ferch Einudd had:
2. Madog ap Maredudd, Prince of Powys and Susanna ferch Gruffudd had:
3. Gruffydd Maelor, Prince of Powys Fadog and Angharad ferch Owain had:
4. Madog ap Gruffydd, Prince of Powys Fadog and Isota had:
5. Gruffydd ap Madog, Prince of Powys Fadog and Emma de Audley had:
6. Angharad ferch Gruffydd and William le Boteler had:
7. William le Boteler, 1st Lord Boteler of Wem and Beatrice had:
8. William le Boteler, 2nd Lord Boteler of Wem and Joan de Sudeley had:
9. Sir Thomas le Boteler and Alice Beauchamp had:
10. Joan Boteler (intersects with prior lineages).
Wales is a complicated country, that was divided into many different principalities. There are possibly other descents that I have not mentioned. Another thing that I have not mentioned is the ancestry of the Welsh Princes included in this article. For example, Llywelyn the Great was a great-grandson of Gruffudd ap Cynan, one of the most important figures in Welsh resistance to Norman rule. They were descendants of Rhodri the Great. And they were all descendants, through traditional lineages, of the important mythical figures of Celtic Wales, such as Coel Hen, Llywarch Hen, and Cadwaladr.
Gadewch inni anrhydeddu ac ymfalchïo yn ein treftadaeth a'n gwreiddiau Cymreig!
Mae ein gwaed Cymreig, a basiwyd i lawr trwy ein disgyniadau pur a chyfreithlon o Dywysogion Cymru, yn helpu i'n tywys, a byddwn bob amser yn amddiffyn Cymru, gwlad arwriaeth.