Jonathan Brigham, my 8th great grandfather, was born in Marlborough, Massachusetts in 1675, and died there in 1768. He was the son of Thomas Brigham Jr. and Mary Rice. His father was the son of Thomas Brigham Sr., a Puritan immigrant, possibly from Holme-on-Spalding-Moor, Yorkshire. His mother was a granddaughter of Edmund Rice, a noted figure in 1600s New England, and of Thomasine Frost, who was of well established roots in Glemsford, Suffolk.
In The Name of God Amen this 28th day of December 1757 I Jonathan Brigham of Marlborough in ye County of Middlesex in his Majesties Province of ye Massachusetts Bay in New England Gent'm Considering my age In these my declining years: though at present in helth as to my Body mind and Memory thanks be given to God therefor: But calling to minde ye Mortallity of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die Do ordain & Make this my Last Will and Testament (viz) principally & first of all I give and Recommend my Soul into ye hands of God y't gave it: And my Body I Recommend to ye Earth to be Buried in a decent Christian burial at ye Discretion of my Exe'tors hereafter Named: Nothing Doubting but at ye General Resurrection I Shall Receive ye Same by ye Mighty Power of God: And as touching such Worldly Estate as it hath pelased God to Bless me with in this Life: I Give Demise and Dispose in ye following order manner & forme:
Imprimis: I Give and bequeth unto my Beloved Sons Jesse Brigham & Joel Brigham whom I appoint Constitute make & ordain to be my Sole Executiors [sic] of this my Last Will & Testament as followeth
Item I Will & give to my Beloved Son Jonathan Brigham Eaight Shillings Lawfull money: having heretofore given him a Settelment by Deed
Item I Will and Give to my Beloved Son Joel Brigham the one half of all my Stock of Cattle Sheep and Swine: And Likewise all my utensels for Husbandry And Likewise a deed of ye half of ye home place which I Now possess Being Now in ye hands of James Brigham [obscured]: And Likewise all my Hogsheds and Barrils
Item I Will and give to my Beloved Son James Brigham Eaight Shillings Lawfull money Having heretofore given him a Settelment by Deed
Item I Will & give to my Beloved Daughter Keziah Keys and to her Heirs thirteen pounds Six Shillings & Eaight pence Lawfull money
Item I will & give to ye Children (of my Beloved daughter Zerviah Brag who is deceased) thirteen pounds Six Shillings * Eaight pence Lawfull money to be Equally devided amongst them
Itme I Will & give to ye Children (of my Beloved Daughter Mary Bruce who is deceased) thirteen pounds Six Shillings & Eaight pence Lawfull money to be Equally devided amongst them
Item I Will & give to my Beloved [D]aughter Ruth How & to her Heirs Thirteen pounds Six Shillings & Eaight pence Lawfull Money
Item I Will & Give to my Beloved daughter Thankfull Brigham & to her Heirs all my Beding which is for 8 beds with all ye furnituer belonging to ye Same: Likewise all my chests which are five and all my Lining with all my Brass Pewter and Iron which are Indoor Utensells and Likwise thirteen pounds Six Shillings & Eaight pence Lawfull money allso Two cows and fouer Sheep Ews Such as She shall Chuse: and the free use and Improvement of ye west Room and Bed-room as Longe as She Lives or Remains Single and allso my great Bible and her Equal Share in my other Books & Allso three meat-tubs & what meat shall be Left at my deceas with part of ye crop of corn which should be mine for that year in which I deceas
I Allso give unto her all ye Remainder of my money which shall be Left if any their be after the Legacies to my sons are paid and funerall charges and all other Nessary Charges that may arise: and allso ye purchasing of two pare of Midling Grave-Stones the one pair for my selfe & the other for my Wife
Item My Will is that all my wearing Cloths bouth woolling Lining & Leather be Equally devided between my fouer Sons: And allso that my Books (which are not allready disposed of by this will) be Equally devided amongs my Nine chilldren
Item I Constitue apoint & ordain my two Sons Jesse Brigham and Joel Brigham to be ye Sole Executiors of thks my Last Will & Testament as Before Specifyed: and my Will is y't they be Reasonabelly paid out of my money for their time & trouble in gathering it in: and if any part thereof cannot be Recovered by Reason of ye poverty of ye debtor or debtors said money shall not be demanded of s'd Executors by ye other Heirs
Item my Will is that my son Joel one of my Exe'tors pay out of my money to his three brothers y't money bequeth'd to them as affore s'd at ye End of one year after my deceas: and Allso that he pay to his Sister Keziah Keys or her Heirs the whole Legacy bequeth'd to her in this Will at ye End of five years after my decease: And that he pay to Each of his other Sisters or their Heirs one pound Six Shillings & Eaight pence L. M. apeace at ye End of one year after my decease and so one pound six shillings & Eaight pence apeace yearly untill ye whole of all their Legacys be paid And allso that he finds his Sister Thankfull a hors & tackling to Ride to meeting and other Where when she has a mind to Ride
Item my Will is y't if there be any of my Stock of Cattle or Sheep Left after my decease which is not dispos'd of before in this Will y't they shall be equally devided amongst my fouer Sons their Sister Thankfull having an Equal Sheair with them
Item My Will is y't if any of these my Heirs afore mentioned Shall Contend or quarril about ye disposition of my Estate in this my Last Will & Testament y't he she or thay shall be finally cut of[f] from having any right to any Legacy or any part thereof which in this Will is bequethed to them
And I do hereby utterly disalow revoke & Disanul all & Every other former Testament will Legicies Bequest & Exe'tors by me in any ways before Named willed & Bequethed: Rattifying & Confirming this & no other to be my Last will and Testament: in Wittness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal y day & year above Written:
[signed] Jonathan Brigham
Signed Sealed Pronounced & Declared by the s'd Jonathan Brigham as his Last Will & Testament In the presence of us Wittnesses and Subscribers: Benja Brigham, Jonathan How, Tho's Goodenow
Be it known to all men by these presents that whereas I Jonathan Brigham of ye Town of Marlborough in ye County of Middlesex in ye Province of ye Massachusetts Bay in New England Gen't: Have made & declared my Last Will and Testament in writing bearing Date ye 28th day of December 1757 I the S'd Jonathan Brigham by this present Codicil do Ratify & Confirme my Last Will & Testament in every Respect; Except what is hereafter specified & altered in this Codicil; N.B. I utterly Revock & disanul ye thirteeth Item in my s'd Last Will & Testament & dispose of it as follows: I Will & bequeath unto my Loving Son Joel Brigham my mear & all my Live Stock of Every Sort That shall be left at my deceas; he paying all my Funeral Charges my Doctring & Nursing if any there be; & all other Chares y't may Nessesarily arise upon my account: Furthermore my Will is that my son Joel Brigham one of ye Exe'tors of my Last Will & Testament do pay ye several Legaces to my Several daughters or their Heirs: Via: Kezia Keys & ye Heirs of Zerviah Brag & ye Heirs of Mary Bruce; & to Ruth How & Thankfull Brigham out of ye Estate or Effects of what I have given him by deeds & Will allready. I Will & bequeath to my daughter Thankfull Brigham all my Shoo Leather Bouth uper & Sole Leather y't Shall be Left at my decease. I forgot to Insert it in ye Will: And my Will & meaning is: Y't this Codicil or Schedule be & be Adjudged to be part & parcel of my Last Will & Testament as that [obscured word] things herein mentioned and Contained be faithfully & truly performed, and as fully & amply in every Respect, as if ye same were so declared and set down in my Last Will and Testament In Wittness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this twenty-third day of January 1762.
[signed] Jonathan [his mark] Brigham
Signed Sealed Delivered & Declared in presence of us Wittnesses & Subscribers: Benj'a Brigham, Benajmin Brigham Jr, Tho's Goodenow
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